VBA Training – Choose A Course to Automate Your Work In MS Excel

You might spend a lot of time in Microsoft Excel, doing your day-to-day job. You know time in Excel moves differently than the time outside Excel. Performing tasks in spreadsheets is time- and energy-consuming when you don’t know any shortcuts. Thankfully, there is a solution to that, and it is called VBA (Visual Basics for Application). Even more luckily, Comarch Training Center offers Excel VBA Online Training on various levels – for beginners and more advanced users. See details about how to get full control over Excel with a 3-day course.

Comarch VBA Courses – what are the levels and contents?

Comarch Training Center organizes specialized distance learning trainings in the field of business analytics – Visual Basics for Applications in Microsoft Excel available on three levels  is one of them. Remote training is a perfect solution for people who cannot participate in a stationary training due to the considerable distance or other reasons. This way, you can take a course at your own company’s premises or at home. Additionally, the duration of the training is adjusted to your abilities. The Comarch’s offer include:

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Your VBA Course is waiting !

There are only few more horrible things than spending hours, days, and weeks on repetitive manual labor in Excel. VBA was developed to do the heavy lifting for you – automation with the use of VBA lets you focus on more important tasks that involves creativity and other skills Excel can’t do (yet). Comarch VBA Online Training is a perfect way to conquer Visual Basics for Applications – from the beginning, or at a higher level. Learn and start using VBA in your everyday work, and you will not believe you have spent all these years without it! If you’re interested in Comarch VBA Programming Training, complete the registration form or visit our website to see our full training offer.

What is VBA and why it’s worth learning?

VBA is what turns Excel into a programming capable application, and you – into a programmer. Sounds unbelievable?  Visual Basic for Applications is a programming language developed by Microsoft. It allows you to manipulate Microsoft Excel by programming customized macros that automate repetitive tasks and actions. The editor for programming is built into the application, so it doesn’t require any additional software beside Excel. Even a non-programmer is able to quickly learn and utilize VBA – actually, it might be your first programming language, as for many people before you. By using VBA, you can automate repetitive tasks, create easy ways for other users to interact with your files, and process large amounts of data. VBA capabilities also include automating communication between Excel and databases. 

Am I ready for Excel VBA trainings?

Do I need any programming skills? We need to put this straight – if you had enough technical capabilities and determination to learn Excel with all of its formulas, logic, and complexity, you are definitely able to be successful in the field of VBA. As mentioned above, no programming skills required. There are basically two main pre-requisites for Comarch VBA programming trainings: your honest interest to learn VBA and macros, and a little higher than basic (best if intermediate or advanced) knowledge in Excel. The courses are intended for people who work in Microsoft Excel on a daily basis and would like to take their skills to the next level. If you use Excel in your professional life, you probably already know what macros are. Now it’s time to learn their dictionary and grammar, in other words – the building elements of the story. Now it's time for you to!

Customer care

Barbara Nitwinko
Barbara Nitwinko


tel: +48 734 131 012